Monday, December 20, 2010

P.P.D. or "Post Party Disorder"

I love to plan parties. I mean - I really, really LOVE to plan parties. This month I've been lucky enough to plan and execute two - one small party for us and one very large party for our ward (at church).

The parties are over. Now I'm suffering from P.P.D. It's very draining to long for more parties. I wish I had some form of medication to ease my pain and discomfort.

What I loved most about these parties were the little surprises. I thoroughly enjoyed providing a spread for our friends, having activities for the kids to enjoy, and having the privelege to sit and talk with people whom I enjoy, but don't see enough. For our ward party, my heart swelled when I noticed a group of ladies - one holding the other's new baby, talking animatedly about current events. Beside them, a couple was warmly embraced while they watched their children climb on Santa's lap. I loved being part of their moments. I thoroughly enjoyed providing an environment where people could feel happy.

So - while my P.P.D. may be strong and at times, painful. The memories of parties past will guide the way for me to swim out of any post-party despair to look forward to another moment when a beautiful scene will be created. When I can look out over the crowd or embrace a friend and feel all the lovliness inside that I've striven to create on the outside.

Life is beautiful.

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