Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Got Dirt?!

Got dirt?! I do. Plenty of it. With two sporty kids and one toddler, I'm never short on a load of wash. Funny thing? I like doing laundry. In fact, it was a major source of contention between me & Tracy for a looooong time. He kept insisting on doing the laundry & I insisted he stopped ruining my clothes, folding clothing incorrectly, and putting the wrong socks together. I'm not ashamed to say it: I am a laundry Nazi.

I found this Chicken Temple at a yard sale over two years ago. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. Now, my vision is complete. Below it, lies a shelf made out of a window I salvaged from my Pop Pop's childhood home in Lebanon, Tennessee. I love the colors that have come through. I love the age of it. I love my Pop Pop! The shelf rests on brackets purchased at one of my favorite salvage haunts, which I call Anne's. That's not the name of it, but Anne is my best friend who gives me great deals. Love me some Anne!! Under the shelf are four awesome wire rolling baskets. I recently scored these at the Wisteria outlet for $29/each. Awesome!!

I wanted to have custom cabinets made with bins to seperate the laundry, but when I found the baskets last week, this whole plan came together. Cost of laundry room sorting station: $195.00. Having custom pieces created just to make me smile: Priceless!


the duchess said...

You are a machine. A lovely, methodical washing machine.

Tracy Montierth said...

The laundry room is so beautiful and very functional. Great ideas!