Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Run On ...

I'm not an avid runner.  I'm just not.  I've been running for years.  Most of the time it's sole purpose is to purge my guilt from consuming a pint of Ben & Jerry's.  Last year these guilt purging runs took on an entire new purpose.

I began 2011 over 200 lbs.  Not proud of that, but I'm going to admit it.  I took a chance and decided to try the HCG diet.  Was it easy?  No.  Was it worth it?  YES.  I started 2011 50 lbs. lighter and much, much happier with my physical appearance.

The funny/strange thing about HCG is you can't exercise.  As in don't exercise!!  When I finished the diet and went into maintenance, it was strange to one day feel this surge of power.  I didn't just want to exercise, I HAD to exercise. For me the easiest, most effective way to feed this need is a run.  I donned my gigantic running shorts and over sized t-shirt and hit the street.

Oh. My. Gosh.  I could run.  I mean - I COULD RUN.  I wasn't tired.  It didn't hurt.  I felt like I was floating on air.  Running was ... fun.  I enjoyed it so much, I ran day after day.  One day, my hip started acting up.  It hurt.  Bad.  So, my running hit another hiatus.

I won't take you through a boring timeline of events.  If you've read this blog you'll know I've had a lot going on in the past year.  Running has been kind of a pipe dream for me.  I'm tired.  Overwhelmed.  In short - in need of exercise, but not taking the time to do it.  Last week I had a wake up call.

For days I'd been saying, "I just want to go for a run.", but I never seemed to have any time.  ANY.  I was cranky, tired, over committed.  What was a girl to do?  Finally, Friday night I was getting ready to meet a friend for dinner when I couldn't stand it one more second.  I had to run.  After shooting a text of explanation, I quickly changed clothes and set out. 

Initially, the cobwebs were a bit sticky in my joints.  My movements were slow, felt a bit labored.  I put Luscious Jackson Radio on Pandora and seemed to find my groove.  I took my normal route through the neighborhood.  Each step gave me clarity and peace.  The cobwebs cleared away.  My body seemed to sing in joy.  I was so happy to feel loose and warm.  As I hit downtown, I seemed to find my stride.  With my side street exit, I hit the ground at top speed.  I never do that.  It felt nothing less than AMAZING.

I was filled with gratitude.  I was so grateful my hip didn't hurt.  So grateful my legs work.  So grateful I found a way to clear my head.  So. Very. Grateful.

I don't think I'll start running every day, but I will run at least once a week.  I've discovered the key for my psyche:  Run On.

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